Historical Parallels Between the AIDS and COVID-19… and Where They Converge
Vaccines now, vaccines tomorrow, vaccines forever!
A year ago I wrote on how Anthony Fauci’s recent antipathy towards generic therapies for COVID-19 had a precedent in the 1980’s with his handling of AIDS. Now after having watched the 2004 documentary based on “The River,” I found even more parallels. What follows is my itemized account:
1. Role of wild meat in generating the pandemic:
AIDS: HIV infected humans through exposure to “bushmeat” in Africa.
COVID-19: SARS-CoV-2 infected humans through exposure to the wet market in China.
Image from Wikimedia Commons
2. Role of environmental degradation in generating the pandemic:
AIDS: HIV emerged in humans due to deforestation and roadbuilding activities that led to more contact between forest dwellers and the outside world.
COVID-19: Novel viruses like SARS-CoV-2 are emerging in human populations due to climate change.
3. Marginalization of lab leak hypothesis:
AIDS: Well-connected scientists closed ranks to discredit the hypothesis that HIV came from an experimental polio vaccine that had been cultured on cells from chimpanzees in Africa.
COVID-19: Well-connected scientists closed ranks to discredit the lab leak hypothesis for the origin of SARS-CoV-2. This effort was coordinated by NIAID director Anthony Fauci.
4. Exaggerated dangers that led to unnecessary suffering:
AIDS: Despite limited evidence Fauci suggested HIV could be transmitted through “routine close contact in a family household.” This played a role in the unnecessary ostracization of disease victims like high school student Ryan White, who contracted HIV through a blood transfusion. To this day, AIDS in the US is mainly confined to intravenous drug users and homosexual men.
COVID-19: Procrustean lockdown policies recommended by Fauci may have killed more Americans than SARS-CoV-2. The anticipated overcrowding of hospitals was also used as pretext for relocating COVID patients into nursing homes in Michigan, New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. The consequences on the elderly in New York nursing homes was so severe that the Governor Cuomo took measures to “redefine” many nursing home deaths as “hospital” deaths. Shockingly, Fauci still held up the New York governor as “the model for fighting coronavirus.”
The extreme measures used to mitigate the disease were based on a UK model that erroneously predicted 2.2 million deaths in the US. We now know the death rate from COVID is comparable to that of the seasonal flu when nursing home deaths are excluded.
5. Endorsement of expensive therapies with questionable benefits:
AIDS: AZT is the first therapy promoted by Fauci for treating AIDS despite frequent deadly side effects and sloppy research preceding its approval. Treatment with AZT costed about $10,000 per year in 1993.
COVID-19: Remdesivir was singled out as “the standard of care” by Fauci for treatment of COVID despite deadly side effects and lack of demonstrable survival benefit to hospitalized COVID patients. Treatment with Remdesivir is over $3,000 per patient in the US.
6. Suppression of inexpensive therapies used by frontline doctors:
AIDS: Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (PCP) is one of the main opportunistic infections responsible for the death of people with AIDS, and as early as 1977 it was known that PCP could be prevented with the inexpensive antibiotic combination known as “Bactrim.” Fauci showed no interest in the evidence provided by doctors in 1987 and reportedly told activists there was “no data to support PCP prophylaxis.” Consequently, the CDC delayed recommending Bactrim for two years. During this time nearly 17,000 people with AIDS unnecessarily died of PCP.
COVID-19: Hydroxychloroquine was one of the first therapies used by doctors to treat COVID-19 patients in China, France, and the U.S. Fauci declared it “ineffective” and the FDA discouraged its use outside the hospital setting even though doctors indicated that HCQ was most effective when used prior to symptoms requiring hospitalization. State governments and medical boards followed up by penalizing doctors who used generic drugs like hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin outside the new crippling FDA/CDC guidelines.
Image by Kirill
7. Massive investment in failed vaccines
AIDS: For decades, Fauci was deeply invested in researching vaccines for HIV, but even as late as 2014 a prototype that costed $121 million in research funding was deemed “no more effective” than the placebo. Total funding for HIV vaccines between 2000 and 2020 was $12 billion.
COVID-19: Vaccines for SARS-CoV-2 became widely available in early 2021, but there is no credible evidence mass vaccination for COVID-19 provides a survival benefit and vaccine related deaths and disabilities increased unprecedented levels. Shockingly, Fauci doubled down and recommended the vaccination of children as a strategy for reaching “herd immunity.” Even more shockingly, the FDA followed up by green-lighting their use on infants as young as 6 months. The Trump administration had spent over $16 billion on Project Warp Speed.
Revised version of Francisco Goya’s “Witches’ Sabbath”
In all parallels involving Fauci, the COVID response was far more proactive than the HIV response. A prime example is the ongoing suppression of HCQ and ivermectin despite hundreds of peer-reviewed studies supporting their effectiveness on COVID patients.
Why did Fauci crack down so aggressively on two drugs that had been used safely for decades on a wide range of diseases and disorders?
Prior to COVID-19, Fauci oversaw decades of dead-end research on HIV vaccines. In the meantime, numerous therapies had transformed AIDS from a death sentence into a manageable condition. This undermined interest in the HIV vaccines Fauci was developing, so when a new pandemic emerged, Fauci may have felt compelled to eliminate all “obstacles” to vaccine development, regardless of the human cost.
This strategy of suppressing early treatment paid off in the three ways:
1) It justified emergency use authorization of COVID-19 vaccines.
2) It validated decades of HIV vaccine research that “paved the way” for the widespread use of experimental mRNA vaccine technology.
3) It “boosted” development of an HIV mRNA vaccine that is currently in clinical trials.
With so much interdependence between these vaccines, is it coincidence that key portions of SARS-CoV-2 contain HIV-like inserts that provide the virus with HIV-like properties? Whether or not this is the result of engineering or natural selection, Fauci is moving Heaven and Earth to conceal this homology from the public.
The silver lining in this ongoing crime against humanity how how it shed light on the dark underbelly of the medical establishment and made it easier to discern real doctors from the spineless droids that never questioned the monstrous policies they implemented.
How many patients paid with their lives?
How many minions paid with their souls?
You'll have a hard time convincing me that a "pandemic" ever existed. I lived for "pandemic" year a block from an inner-city, beyond-filthy 450+ tent/structure junkie/criminal tent-city. No "pandemic". Just the normal number of deaths by homicide, manslaughter, and OD. And, no, they certainly did not glove, mask, and test, hahaha.
And after following Lanka, Kaufman, Cowan, and others, I'm done with Pasteur's viruses. Bechamp's terrain theory wins the day. We were duped with vaccines from Day 1 (all vaccines).
But I have no argument with the facts of Fauci/WHO/CDC/etc corruption.